#209205 / 2287 kez izlendiItaly plunged into chaos as Berlusconi withdraws Ministers from Coalition.... Reason was cristal clear... S.Berlusconi lost his seat.... For Tax Fraud, Politic is getting very dirty some times, You can use lot of stuff against your Opponent like Corruption,Tax Fraud,Spy,Enemy of Nation,Adultery,etc... S.Berlusconi,Enrico Letta,Coalition,Italy,
Politika » National/Domestic International Elections Military & Security Taxes Economy & Money Fraud & Corruption Historical Conflicts & War Politicians Parties Democracy
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edda von sinnen, tarih 03. October 2013 report post cevap ver applause 0
zenundsenf, tarih 01. October 2013 report post cevap ver applause 0