Thilo Sarrazin
#60863 / 11188 kez izlendiBundesbank strips board member Sarrazin of role after racism row
FRANKFURT, Oct 13 (Reuters) - Germany's Bundesbank stripped board member Thilo Sarrazin of some of his key responsibilities on Tuesday, as punishment for controversial comments he made about Arab and Turks living in Berlin.
Sarrazin, 64, was quoted telling culture magazine Lettre International that Muslims in Berlin sponge off the state and called for a crackdown on immigration.
He added that a large number of Arabs and Turks in the city had 'no productive function, apart from selling fruit and vegetables'.
In a statement following a board meeting, the Bundesbank said Sarrazin was no longer in charge of cash circulation. It leaves him the responsibility for information technology and risk control at the bank.
In Berlin charges have been filed against Sarrazin, which included the accusation he was inciting racial hatred. Sarrazin has apologised for the remarks but ignored demands to step down.
Thilo Sarrazin (64), the former Berlin Finance Minister, is at a new level of unpopularity within the Bundesbank and his political party.
Axel Weber, the Chairman the the Bundesbank, said Sarrazin had caused “considerable damage” to the organisation’s reputation.
Bundesbank entmachtet Thilo Sarrazin
Frankfurt/Main (dpa) - Als Konsequenz aus seinen umstrittenen Äußerungen zur Integration von Ausländern muss Bundesbank-Vorstand Thilo Sarrazin wichtige Kompetenzen abgeben. In einer für die Bundesbank einmaligen Aktion entzog der Vorstand dem 64-Jährigen eines von drei Ressorts.
Almanya'nın en ünlü ekonomistlerinden, merkez bankası yönetim kurulu üyesi ve Berlin eyaletinin eski maliye bakanı Thilo Sarrazin, geçen hafta yanlış politikalardan dolayı sayıları artan bu kentteki Türk ve Arapların büyük çoğunluğunun manavlıktan başka üretim işlevi yok. Almanya'daki Türk ve Arap göçmenler, devletten geçinen, bu devlete karşı çıkan, çocuklarının meslekleri için yeterince ilgilenmeyen ve sürekli başörtülü yeni küçük kızlar üreten bir grup ifadesini kullanmıştı...
Gelen tepkiler ardından özür dilese de Sarrazin'in Merkez Bankası'ndaki işinden çıkarılması bekleniyor...
MB çalışanları sendikası VDB Sarrazin'in sözleri hoş görülemez açıklaması yaparken, Merkez Bankası başkanı Axel Webber de Bu sözler kurumumuzun saygınlığını zedeledi! dedi...
Yorumlar (10)
Yorum ekleMember
ugur demir, tarih 10. September 2010 report post cevap ver applause 0
Es gibt keinerlei Probleme mit der Integration.
Und wenn, dann liegt's ausschließlich an der heimischen Bevölkerung.
... weil nicht sein kann, was nicht sein darf.
... könnte ja die reine Lehre stören.
Böse, böse Menschen sind das, die etwas anderes sagen. Schulterschluß ist da angesagt. Sonst nix. Vor allem nicht vorurteilsfrei hinsehen und nachdenken.
, tarih 19. December 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
selam ustacım portrene laf yok birde okuyabilsem!eline sağlık tebrikler!
Hayati, tarih 17. October 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
Fareus, tarih 16. October 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
die bundesbank würde gut daran tun, diesen kerl
sofort zu entlassen!
wäre jedes vorstandsmitglied bei uns seiner meinung-
dann gute nacht, deutschland!
elle62, tarih 14. October 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
zed, tarih 13. October 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
ayni konusma balonunda yazdigin gibi hayaticim..
agzindan cikani kulagi duymuyor...
ben de cizmistim konuyla ilgili arada kaynadi..
toonpool'da paylasirim birazdan..
donquichotte, tarih 13. October 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
firuzkutal, tarih 13. October 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
menekse cam, tarih 13. October 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
sehr schön :))
saadet demir yalcin, tarih 13. October 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0