The New Refugees
#258194 / 3056 kez izlendiThe new refugees to Europe after the election in Turkey.
(there is history's greatest trick in the election. AKP did not have enough votes to come the government alone. They were finished counting almost all votes in 2 hours while countinuing until the morning normally...and a hacker from USA which worked on the closed the selection committee's website for a while. Now a great danger awaits us about republic of Turkey. 1st november was the date on which the sultanate was abolished by Atatürk in the history (1922) and yesterday we had a big step by tricks to have it once again. ) :(
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Yorumlar (4)
, tarih 25. December 2015 report post cevap ver applause 0
Enzo Maneglia Man, tarih 12. November 2015 report post cevap ver applause 0
zenundsenf, tarih 03. November 2015 report post cevap ver applause 0
JotKa, tarih 02. November 2015 report post cevap ver applause 0