Steve Jobs - Digital Circlism
#172627 / 6615 kez izlendiFor a visionary man who changed the way we live and communicate... RIP
This portrait is only made with flat circles on a black background. Every circle has a single color, a single tone and a single size. I placed each circle one by one. It's a time consuming method.
Bilim & Teknik » Science Technology Research School Upbringing University Learning & Education Mechanics Computer & Digital Hobby & Home Electronics
Yorumlar (4)
Pascal Kirchmair, tarih 20. July 2017 report post cevap ver applause 0
elle62, tarih 08. July 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0
nayar, tarih 08. July 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0
menekse cam, tarih 07. July 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0