Omran Daqneesh
#276020 / 4333 kez izlendiOmran, little boy from Aleppo, like Alan Kurdi ,the drowned boy whose body was found on a beach in Turkey, historical town Aleppo under attack by Russian or ASsad forces and bombardment by American fixing up what ever left, For all the strategical and religious interest from big guys, Children are paying the prices, Syria, United Nations, Civil war, etc. EU,etc.
Politika » National/Domestic International Elections Terrorism Economy & Money Environment Confederations Immigration Fraud & Corruption Historical Conflicts & War Politicians Parties Democracy Energy
Yorumlar (3)
Kestutis, tarih 27. August 2016 report post cevap ver applause 0
Enzo Maneglia Man, tarih 23. August 2016 report post cevap ver applause 0
JotKa, tarih 22. August 2016 report post cevap ver applause 0