the man who cries petroleum
#94631 / 5696 kez izlendino comment
erdölölpetroleumumweltumweltverschmutzungweinenmanntränenbohrinselenvironmentpollutiontearsmanatlantikbohrenbpgolf von mexikokatastropheleckmeermeerenaturnaturkatastropheölölpestozeanressourcenschwarze pestumwelumweltkatastrophegolfvonmexikoschwarzepest
Yorumlar (1)
My name is Gloria.i saw your profile at[]and became interested in you,i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email address, [[email protected]] I believe we can move from here! Am waiting for your mail to my email address above because i have a lot to tell you,
Lot's of love, Miss Gloria.
[[email protected]]
, tarih 12. April 2011 report post cevap ver applause 0