Zoran Matic Mazos portrait
#87847 / 4625 kez izlendiBig shock for the world’s artists with Horrific news
Yesterday the great artist (Zoran Matic MAZOS) died in Serbia.He was a great poet, satiric, cartoonist and designer.
All he knew by the electronic journal Zikison
He also was one of the judges Hop cartoon 2010 international cartoon contest
about he :
He was born in 1960. He lives in Paracin, Serbia. Graphic designer is, deals with the Web design, features and comics, cartoons, illustrations and animations. He published the cartoons and comics in the country and the world. Participant is more festivals and Salon. He had four individual exhibitions cartoons and short strip. By prose, poetry and deals with the spoof and political satira. For his work was rewarded several times and has published three books …
Yorumlar (6)
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samir alramahi, tarih 20. June 2010 report post cevap ver applause 0
, tarih 19. June 2010 report post cevap ver applause 0
Maybe somewhere is a better world for us...
LuciD, tarih 18. June 2010 report post cevap ver applause 0
menekse cam, tarih 18. June 2010 report post cevap ver applause 0
zoran benim iyi dostlarimnan biridi
tesekur asli jim
HAMED NABAHAT, tarih 18. June 2010 report post cevap ver applause 0
Ben de çok üzgünüm.
En içten dileklerimle,sevgiler...
adimizi, tarih 18. June 2010 report post cevap ver applause 0