Trump macht Organspende
#317829 / 3755 kez izlendiWas des Teufels Anus ist Trumps Mundwerk. Es kommt das gleiche raus. S.4, M.Pacher; Ausschnitt aus "Der Teufel weist dem Hl. Augustin das Buch derLaster"
Politika » Health Confederations Conflicts & War Politicians Democracy
Yorumlar (4)
Dear Klaus,
Visual story telling with lines...
Good work
Take care....
menschenskindergarten, tarih 21. July 2018 report post cevap ver applause 0
Visual story telling with lines...
Good work
Take care....
gungor, tarih 21. July 2018 report post cevap ver applause 0
Tja, Fäkalhumor
menschenskindergarten, tarih 15. July 2018 report post cevap ver applause 0
, tarih 15. July 2018 report post cevap ver applause 1