R.i.P Odd Borrentzen
#183510 / 4450 kez izlendiR.i:P Odd BØRRETZEN, Great Norwegian poet.
Odd Børretzen 1926-2012. died yesterday. He was a loved poet who "made Norwegians a little bit more clever." The irony and humor he had was beautiful and he criticized almost all habits we have as human in the modern society. He used music, especially jazz to reach to the people…
He was known with his poem about seagulls:
"I want to say something about my relation to seagulls: I hate the seagulls/ Of course not all the time. / when we think them in the summer picture or when we are in love, they look like beautiful/ It is ok, but until they open their mouths/ They scream so bad and when one of them catches some fish on the sea, the others suddenly appear ias a huge mass, screaming as "I want all, I want all, I want all!" As a result of this everything becomes so ugly on the sea and not any of them remains with a enjoyment of eating something….
Here he tells about consuming of plastic etc. boxes: "i wonder how a poet can write something good about these boxes," In Norway people get money back if they leave the boxes back to grocery… Just watch the url_
Here he is talking about the today's politicians. "They were demonstrating on old day, what happened to us and to our dreams..."
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Yorumlar (2)
firuzkutal, tarih 04. November 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0
nice work firuz
zed, tarih 04. November 2012 report post cevap ver applause 1