R.I.P.Whitney Houston!
#159667 / 9153 kez izlendiWhitney Houston (n. 9 august 1963, Newark, New Jersey, d. 11 februarie 2012, Beverly Hills, California).
She was an American singer, actress and film production.
R.I.P.,Withney !
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Yorumlar (17)
Yorum ekle Sayfa 1 2Member
whitney was such a sweet person - after she was used by "moneymakers" she past - so sorry &-((
It's sad what happens sometimes with great talents of the world ... They let trapped and can not find the strength to break free ...
Kidor, tarih 05. October 2014 report post cevap ver applause 0
skätch-up, tarih 05. October 2014 report post cevap ver applause 0
Atilla Atala, tarih 15. August 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0
I think that this is the best Whitney portrait at Toonpools because it is honest and shows us how Whitney looked on the inside. xxxxx PIR:0
Thank you very much!
Kidor, tarih 27. February 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0
piro, tarih 27. February 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0
elle62, tarih 15. February 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0
menekse cam, tarih 14. February 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0
very good job congrats
Thank you, dear Master Zed, for the beautiful words and for adding my work to your collection!
Kidor, tarih 13. February 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0
zed, tarih 13. February 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0
A very good drawing!
Thank you,Master Marian Kamensky!
Kidor, tarih 13. February 2012 report post cevap ver applause 0
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