Jordan Computer error2
#73346 / 6551 kez izlendiA Social Confusion and problems occurred in Jordan because of the occurrence of errors when the results of the general secondary examinations had been announced.
Government had promised to correct the errors and apologized attributed the cause to a failure in the computer systems.
Minister of Education declined to submit his resignation..!
The text:
Right side: Take wisdom from the mouths of the losers.
On green board: (Wisdom of the day)
They Planted, We ate failure
We success, They Lose.
Yorumlar (3)
فكرة جيدة جدا ، يا صديقي!
***** !
Senad, tarih 17. February 2010 report post cevap ver applause 0
Shahid Atiq, tarih 11. February 2010 report post cevap ver applause 0
halisdokgoz, tarih 10. February 2010 report post cevap ver applause 0