#65482 / 8073 kez izlendiAÏD EL-KEBIR
This festival commemorates Ibrahim's submission to God, symbolized by the episode in which he agreed to sacrifice his son Ismael on the order of Allah, the latter sending the last time a sheep through the Archangel Gabriel to replace children as sacrificial offering. In memory of that total submission to God of Ibrahim, the Muslim families sacrifice a sheep or a ram, but sometimes other animals like cows or goats, in the slaying, lying on the left flank and head towards Mecca, after prayer and sermon of the Eid.
According to Jewish and Christian traditions, from the Torah (1st part of the Bible), in the episode of the sacrifice, the second son of Abraham, Isaac was almost sacrificed, not Ishmael.
Yorumlar (12)
Yorum ekle Sayfa 1 2Member
excellent style!
Très honoré Ben!..merci encore!!..
ismail dogan, tarih 23. November 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
ismail dogan, tarih 23. November 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
BenHeine, tarih 23. November 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
donquichotte, tarih 23. November 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
Atilla Atala, tarih 23. November 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
Menekse,Samir; Hüseyin ve Nicoleta dostlarima çok tesekkürler !..
ismail dogan, tarih 22. November 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
Nicoleta Ionescu, tarih 22. November 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
, tarih 22. November 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
menekse cam, tarih 22. November 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
samir alramahi, tarih 22. November 2009 report post cevap ver applause 0
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